Special Needs
Wednesday, June 6th, 2018My kiddos are amazing, sweet, and brilliant individuals. They are each going to do amazing things and I can’t wait (yes I can, don’t grow up) to see what that is. That said, some of our kiddos have special needs that we are working hard to help them overcome.
We often receive a lot of unsolicited advice and have been on the receiving end of lots of hateful stares in public. It’s really hard on my mommy heart to see my kid excluded from activities and play dates for his behavior that is out of his control, even though I also totally understand it and also keep other kids who act the same way away from my kids
It’s hard to see your kids struggle, it’s hard to feel excluded and isolated, it’s hard to know that despite your best effort in educating folks you are still judged and viewed as failing parents.
What I will say is that we LOVE our kids. We pray for them, teach them about the Lord, research, learn, seek counsel, practice consistent discipline techniques and will do anything we can to help them succeed.